Aine Scannell , London UK and Paula Torres, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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...................................... This is about the two of us:

We met in London where we were both working as artists and using the same printmaking studio. 'Our way to 'overlap' I feel is, to do with our sense 
of humanity.  There seems to be a common ground covering our relationship that concerns itself essentially with love and respect for our fellow man.
There is a spontaneity and childlike aspect in our nature. Both of us
come from a Catholic tradition, ritual and symbol are an important dynamic
in our creative practice.


"I started off the images - I had been giving consideration to the
Catholic prayer 'Hail Mary' for years, thinking about it on and off.  I have
actually used it in a previous piece of work.

I was thinking about how the' Rosary' (a ritual act which involves saying 
this prayer about 50 times) originated, and what the act of prayer means for the individual. There is something compelling, obsessive and yet reassuring in the repetitive uttering of a prayer. In my exposures I photographed the texts of the' Hail Mary' in a variety of selected languages. 
I liked the idea of it being said all over the planet in numerous tongues and 
voices.  For example; Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Portuguese, Gaelic and many languages we are not even familiar with. 
And some of those are dying.
But throughout all cultures, this tendency for prayer goes on and on and 
on ... 


"When Aine had invited me to do this interactive work, I was in a process
of healing.  It is a process that is continuous for those who seek out 
spiritual awareness.
I am someone, who had been praying the rosary for years, exercising faith,
not in a Catholic manner but in the actual connection with the heart and
through Christian principles.
When a prayer is properly said through our hearts, it is like a powerful
mantra. This compelling movement, as Aine says, where I would say repetitive movement, compels one, into a meditative stage and it can
change completely ones mood. If there is truly faith, it could change an
individuals life.
What I have learned through prayer, is that we should not just expect
blessedness to envelop us, rather, we have to humble ourselves and move
through our intentions and actions towards a higher state of grace.

Daily I pray for us to become more conscious of what is truly important
and to progress though positive intentions towards a state of grace that's
more concrete.

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