ooooooooooooooooooooothe personal π - SIGN ooooooooooooooooooooo

THE MAGIC PIWORLD program allows us to create a structure of lines on the basis of pi-digits, which is unique for a particular person since it is based upon his data of birth.

The date of birth of the person is used to determine the starting point of transforming the pi-digits into a picture, for example, the date 30.08.1963 determines the starting point 30081963. digit. The first six digits of this number defines the drawing size: 300 x 819 Pixel. The geographic data of the birth place are used as drawing parameters, such as lenght of lines, thickness of lines and drawing angle.

Two pictures are developed seperately, each of them uses a sequence of pi-digits, which is determined by the time of birth. By overlaying these two pictures a unique personal pisign is created. 

It can be read like the palm of your hand and it is genuine as a gift, a letterhead or for contemplation.


A few examples of generated π - SIGNs

the personal  BW- π - SIGN
the personal AR- π - SIGN

the personal  HLX- π - SIGN
the personal  JVS- π - SIGN.

the personal  BE- π - SIGN
 the personal  RL- π - SIGN.

the personal  JC- π - SIGN

the personal  FP- π - SIGN

the personal  PB- π - SIGN

the personal  NG- π - SIGN




the personal  FR- π - SIGN

the personal  SU- π - SIGN


the personal  DO- π - SIGN

the personal  LM- π - SIGN


5. 5. 2302 n.Arc.