the score of invisible sun ***********
Total Museum of Contemporary Art,
9. 9. 99 - 3. 10. 99
This installation was created by
Ki-Bong Rhee and me during the exhibition
"Seoul DIALOG Hamburg - Hamburg
In the beginning Rhee Ki-Bong and me exchanged many ideas during five month using the fax machine. We prepared a lot of material we wanted to show at the exhibition. During our working period in Seoul we cancelled all the things we had developed unto this moment. We had to find a new, a simple form that included all our former ideas. So we installed a wooden table in our two exhibition rooms. Due to the different levels of the floor the table changed from a Korean table to an European table and at the end to a "bridge". After having built this table we jointly worked on different parts. Rhee Ki-Bong made an acrylic basin, filled it with water on the black table surface, and produced foam that was moving on the water surface.
I took all our dialogue words we
had exchanged, transformed them first into digits
and then into a score (using the MAGIC PIWORLD program),
engraved this score into the wood and filled the engraving with black oil.
The score was transformed to sound (using the GRAPHIC COMPOSER by Jürgen
Lange) and this sound you could hear in the exhibition
Extract from dialogue Ki-Bong Rhee and Hael Yggs
... hope, to find a special language...
... the concept of change or vanishment...
... I like your misterious and specific
... I have not done this kind of collaborating
works and exchanging ideas...
... Can we develop a dialogue which
is at the same time inside an artificial space and
... I really don't know the answers...
... keep a moment of romanticism...
... a message in a bottle...
... a special interference of two
different histories, living circum-stances, cultures, arts and people...
... transforming "endless" information
into a new image I read about the Tripitaka Koreana, that includes more
than 55 million characters, the 13th-century woodblock engravings of the
complete Buddhist canon.
... I hope we both will find a way
to act like two cooks, who prepare an extraordinary meal for senses. You
know, that too many cooks spoil the broth, but I think, two of them could
create a very interesting brew.
... I might stand on the physical
or corporeal bases believe the sensation and organic function.
... superficial sorts like SKIN, the
MOVING, FLOWING which happenes in so called raw corporeality...
... I found some interesting clues
... I am deeply interested in three
... makes our life reverse as well
as common...
... there exist invisible sun as common
entity between you and me...
... that effect our cultural structures
of mind...
... I do not know why my catalogue
didn't arrive to you...
... the information in times of digital
appearance anyhow can flow with big delay...
... On the other hand work like an
transmitter, create informations without prompt response, sometimes generate
a special understanding...
... The deep valley that exist between
us has a good and useful expression in the change of light and darkness...
... The idea of common and revers
live could be supplemented by the idea of simultaneity...
... The golden chain with milky colored
oil flows in my brain as an special stream of imagination...
... creating process of those pictures
similar to "ecrire automatique"...
... to create this special skins based
on your personal live and experience...
... my complicate head that cannot
make any special ideas...
... reminds me of story about principle
of circulation in body and respiration...
... SO JU CHON "completion of KI"...
... the heaven goes round...
... our respiration must be round
same as the ceasless movement of celestial bodies like sun and moon...
... These 12 branches are closely
related with 12 vital part exist in Ki stream of our front body and back...
... exercise of abdominal respiration...
... I control my body with cold and
hot elements...
... I remember the beautiful white
haired woman when I traveled in Germany...
... I want to relate this hair and
dying to our starting point day and night and its reverse...
... that our idea can be changeable
according to our better ideas...
... try to transform our words into
visible images...
... like a trace of a woodworm...
... if we find our "abdominal respiration"
we will be able to give an "image" of this KI-stream in our exhibition...
... I got amazing curves from weather-measurements
(air pressure) during the last year...
... Maybe we can use this black skin
for our purpose, because the idea of fabulous...
... because the idea of fabulous presents
was a starting point of discovering the world...
... So we create 12 glass objects
with forms similar to celestial bodies...
... my sky with hair works and your
glass works...
... I hope there can be seen slightly
some clouds without sun...
... Large phoenix sitting on the ground...
... It would be good, if we show co-operative
works, that includes our both ideas...
... I collected all my hair I cut
in the last month...
... Now we created a big cloud of
ideas and I'm looking forward to our meeting in Soul where we have to condens
this cloud to an amazing rain...
andsometimesirememberthebeautifulwhitehairedwomanwhenitraveledingermaniamcuriousaboutyourhair colorthereasonwhyimentionabouthairanddyingithinkiwanttorelatethishairanddyingtoourstartingpointday andnightanditsreverseinmycaseiwouldliketomakeworkswithblackandwhitehaironprintpaperwhichyouwill takeinadayandnightwithcamerayouonlytotakeapictureasimpleskywithblackandwhitefilmitwillgoodtime whencosmiceventhappensasyoumentionedihopethebestresultofyourtakingpictureswouldbeonlygreybright skyandarkblackskycausedbynightoreclipsewithoutanyimagewithsomedataiwouldliketomakewhitehairwith blackimageandblackhairwithwhiteimageafterprintedinkoreaandasforsimultaneitywhatkindofmyrolewould beniceforyouinseoulatthesametimeinmyopiniontheglassworksyoumentionedwouldbenicelookingpiecesify ouhaveanydetailedprocessofsimultaneityaboutglassworksjustcommandandmostimportantthingisthatourid eacanbechangeableaccordingtoourbtterideasanddontworryaboutmaterialsyouwantinkoreamaybeeverythin geasilyonyourhandiamafraidyouforgotmeformylatereplyandihopeyourworksgoingwellbestregardkibong rhee150799hellorheekebongthankyouverymuchforyourinterestingmessageigotfewdaysagoyouareright whenyousaythatthemostimportantthingisthatourideasmustbechangeableaccordingtoourbetterideasandso everytimewhenireadyourletterinmyheadarisenewideasthisflowingprocessofinformationsbetweenusthisdial oguethatcreatesaflowofwordsandideaswillbeagoodgroundtocreateaspecialskinorstructureiwilltrytotransf ormourwordsintovisibleimagesthatmaybewillbesimilartothingsyouwrotemeaboutforinstanceitcanbelooks likeblondhairondarkgroundorlikeblackhaironwhitegroundorlikeastrangeskinorlikeoverlappedcirclesorlike atraceofawoodwormorlikegreenriceonafieldihopethaticanmakesomegoodtransformationsyoumadeinteres tingremarkaboutkistreamandisupposethatinallourliveineverysituationthiskistreamisimportantandthatswhy hecanbeormustbeinfluencedbyourspecialbehavioureffortexercisethiswhatwebothtrytocreateithinkitsnot differentfromanidealkistreamandifwefindourabdominalrespirationwewillbeabletogiveanimageofthiskistrea minourexhibitionthekiinyournamecomesfromthiskistreamwhenyouwrotemeaboutreverseliveaboutdayand nighticontactthemeteorologicalofficeinleipzigforgettingsomeinformationsaboutthesunshinehoursinthelast yearinthistownthereexistaveryeffectiveinstrumentthesocalledsunshinmeasurmentcampbellstokesitusesawo nderfulglassspheretofocusthelightbeamsofthesunthislightleavesatraceonaspecialpaperduringadayandforth enextdayyouputanewpaperinsideiwantedtogetthosetracesfromthelastyearbutitwasimpossiblebutigotamazi |
A part of
dialogue numbers, the basis of the score
88032762816123268160876566856207628167656760044488072168048562008565276164860566800 68960068763252721656804400729656804052568840566816005200521224166848005200687632727 67288324444681600443272160052006876606856361608763252721660761648041668325276283272 48807216804832280084166816001296568068080076004456248016480076166832004472005212328 85680441244324016765608565660166800761688327628965680128068325224762832726068563616 08769656806888566840327284166896325276166816727632522476564816041608008072167628166 81632720044567656200856525216087632565272765648965688520068768856684080522056687680 52007616449632280084167216165256524496768856602856765672005212002016888856681272000 45680769656806888566840725632885680441260681620166876562416764856681632522056684800 76325652720004568076327632762832524032208816405256884856681600045680767628165676281 66872885668408816883244440416000444167656203252120024565612041624325252325224605632 52762056685680688856684072564416767204162432528832762816920828005224165620325220566 84800763256527248965200481632722800164496242472324432841632524416326099322424166848 00529676281616007276166852600068765620241668480052967628162056684816682412683220965 68088005276765672161616920048604416725620489600687688566840965680080052445656400076 76281632527616685216762876766028564816765652443252161216285648162800164496242472322 09656800068160004441676568072167628163252761668521676328856804412606816201668167656 08280052241676281632522056684800763256527204961648003244489600121268167272280016449 62424727656524432521612163220525676881688324444125632760496441676761668725668567628 16684816123200005240167628162416684800520856566812325200765668562076283272606856361 60876721652767256481648007616683200440800760044562480167276565256283656565208803200 52123228566016965680280084167216165232763220525676604416007216243284164816004816727 20024160052123276689676567216521272564816602856765672562048968856684072765696568048 96440072768856684076562416762816688832762800524056681600520068763272768800723252325 22800480480682412806832522476281616922832043276325652721656804412320044562480162800 48048068244056681600520052122416684800520856527616486056680068960068763272767232885 66840161276562416762816688832762844161636082856440052123268164816480416683276880072 12322020320880447604807632527616681672763252247656085644000456680076168832762828324 87256489632527616527632565272007676281648564816527608568044120416121672086832041612 007200285660167656203252120072601608320044440052248000241600521200 |
"the score of invisible sun", installation,
1999 photo: Seo,
"the score of invisible sun", installation,
photos: Seo, Young-Dong
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - table with score), 1999
photo: Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - table with score), 1999
photo: Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail), 1999
photo: Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - foam), 1999 photo:
Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - "bridge"), 1999 photo: Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - foam on advertising monitor
in Seoul City), 1999 photo: Hael Yggs
"the score of invisible sun", installation
(detail - score on advertising monitor
in Seoul City), 1999
photo: Hael Yggs
Ki - Bong Rhee and Hael Yggs,
"inverse life", 1999 photo: U.Ochsler/Hael Yggs
with a 43 years old leather coat, photo: Heike Breitenfeld |
During my stay in Seoul I met the korean artist Lee, Yong-Deok, who's work refer to history and its perception. I gave him an old leather coat as my present.. This coat was bought in Korea in 1956. It comes to Germany and the man, who bought it, wanted to throw it out in 1998. I seized the opportunity and saved it from garbage collection. So I made the coat travel a full circel and I hope, Lee, Yong-Deok will use this present in his own artistic way. On the photo above you see the ceremony of handing over the coat in the studio of Rhee, Ki-Bong. From left to right: Lee, Yong-Deok; Uwe Ochsler; Anke Mellin; Rhee, Ki-Bong; Hael Yggs |
Hael Yggs
21. 6. 2297
n. Arc.